I value integrity, authenticity, compassion, justice, honesty and truth. I have a love of learning and sharing, adventure, travel, cooking, music, art, and the great outdoors.
I'm always striving to expand my mind, weaving new tools into 'my toolkit', striving to become a better human - and sincerely hope to help others along the way.
I'm convinced that we must integrate modalities of working with the mind and modalities of working with the body to thrive. The separation of mind and body, to me, is illusionary.
Curious about Life,
The Interconnected-Ness Of All,
The Power Of Belief & Responsibility
And the Joy in Simplicity
Passionate about learning, wellness, personal development and whatever life throws at us.
With a background in Psychology, Computer Science, Management and sustainability, I coach and help people to be the best version of themselves and to think, be and do better in life.
I currently work as a change behaviour specialist, leadership trainer, business consultant and mentor, persuasive communication, life and thinking coach.
Law of Movement | Tuhinga o mua
Movement is fundamental to good health.
Taha wairua | Spiritual health, Taha hinengaro | Mental health, and Taha tinana | Physical health.
This promotes Family health | Taha whanau.
Maintaining movement promotes good health. Failing to keep in motion is stagnation. These are also found in Maori culture. The spiritual essence of a person is their life force.
This determines us as individuals and as a collective, who and what we are, where we have come from and where we are going. A traditional Māori analysis of physical manifestations of illness will focus on the wairua or spirit, to determine whether damage here could be a contributing factor.
Law of Reciprocal Action | Ture mo te mahi whakautu Every thought, every action has consequences. Each human being is entirely responsible for his thoughts and actions. Learning from one’s action is the key to improvement. Repetitive behavior leading to repetitive adverse consequences is stagnation and so is victimization.
Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species | Ture o te whakaongaonga o nga momo homogeneous Like attract like. Positive thoughts and actions attract the same.
The reverse is equally true.
Law of Balance | Ture mo te tuku me te whiwhi Health require balance. Never take more than you give. Lack of balance brings adverse consequences.
Law of Spiritual Gravity | Ture o te wairua wairua Unresolved consequences (commonly called karma) adhere to the spirit, increasing its density.
The density of the spirit determines its direction in life.
Law of Rebirth | Mano kano The cycle of physical life and death involves multiple incarnations for the vast majority. Physical death is not the end of life for the person involved. Spiritual death is.
Divine Grace | Hanahana aroha
Even in the direst circumstances, a real change within a person can bring redemption.