The conscious mind that (thinks) its making the decisions is like the tip of the consciousness iceberg.. Only able to deal with about 7 bits of information at a time, while the unconscious and subconscious parts processes thousands of bits of data every moment, below our level of analytical or ‘normal’ awareness.
Normally, we consider the subconscious.. just below the surface.
The filing cabinet with memories, our stored knowledge, all the teachings we have accumulated that shape our reactions to the unfolding present moment.
The unconscious, we may consider to be the part of the mind that rules our automatic functions, the instincts, the fight, flight and flee.
But for the purposes of this short blog post, I'm just going to talk about the 'unconscious' as all of the parts beneath the surface. Memories, instincts, automatic functions, and core beliefs.
The unconscious mind will shape our actions (and let's be honest, most people re-act, rather than act much of the time) based upon many unconscious programs, ‘memory movies’ and survival strategies running in the background.
If we really want to change our lives, some of the holding patterns need to be unpacked and re-sorted using techniques that allow authentic communication with this, powerful part of our minds.
A huge proportion of the things we want to change, from the ways in which we deal with stress, to our ability to cope with uncertainties, various ‘sticky’ habits and reactions to triggers, are all lodged in unconscious programs.
We need to go to that mysterious place, in order to change.
We need to have the conscious mind, 'chill out', and get out the way for a second, in order for us to gain access to rewire the unconscious parts that tend to call the shots beneath the surface.
No amount of sharing the same old story (with the same emotions) will necessarily help change deeply ingrained issues or ways of being. No matter how many people we talk to about our problems, no matter how deeply and compassionately they respond, some things just seem to stick.
I'm sure most of us have a few 'sticky issues', addictions, patterns, beliefs, reactions we have talked about for years, with no real lasting change?
Some patterns or survival strategies that were ‘programmed in’ when we were children, (by our first hypnotists, our parents and caregivers), back when we were pretty much living in a highly suggestible state, before our ability to critique, analyze and question.. Those patterns seem to have a different quality to the patterns of thinking or behaving we can shift with conscious will power.
You probably know that the brain doesn't really know the difference between an imagined memory and a ‘real’ memory, your biology and physiology react immediately to a thought.
Most people have watched a scary movie, and even though you know it’s just a movie, you might notice sweaty palms, racing heart, holding your breath…
The movie has taken you into a hypnotic state. A trance. When the credits roll, you come back into your body, the trance is broken.
You might have heard, you can actually grow muscle tissue by imagining, with all your senses, lifting weights, and seeing yourself strong, feeling what it will feel like WHEN you are strong.
We know MANY placebos work just as well as (if not better than) the actual medication.
When most of us walk into a doctor's office, we are already in a state of heightened suggestibility.
The doctor gives us a pill, and in this heightened state of suggestibility and emotion, (maybe in pain or afraid of a negative health outcome), being already ‘in trance’ when the doctor suggests we 'will feel better' in a few hours, we take that on as fact.
We believe what is said and our brain makes that real, the mind real-izes this suggestion and even a sugar pill works.
Knowing how powerful our minds are, it makes sense to tap into this power.
We now know that our brains are very adaptable, we can create new neural pathways, giving ourselves ‘choice’ in moments of chaos, in those times of being reactive and triggered.
Luckily practical neuroscience, NLP and hypnotherapy offer us insights around how to gain access to the unconscious mind. How to shift triggers and build resources.
We can bring our inner resources, that we all have, (or can create) forward into the moments in which we need them the most.
We can learn fast, effective tools to break anxiety in the moment that it comes up, tools to hijack the ruminating, and negative thoughts. We can learn ways to carve out NEW neural pathways, giving our minds options, rather than reaction patterns.
It just takes practice, rehearsal and some pretty cool techniques.
This is the work I love. It's fun, it's engaging, it creates change.